reflexive - definition. What is reflexive
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Reflexive (disambiguation)

A reflexive reaction or movement occurs immediately in response to something that happens. (FORMAL)
...that reflexive urge for concealment.
ADJ: usu ADJ n
He felt his head jerk reflexively.
ADV: usu ADV with v
·adj Implying censure.
II. Reflexive ·adj Bending or turned backward; reflective; having respect to something past.
III. Reflexive ·adj Having for its direct object a pronoun which refers to the agent or subject as its antecedent;
- said of certain verbs; as, the witness perjured himself; I bethought myself. Applied also to pronouns of this class; reciprocal; reflective.
<theory> A relation R is reflexive if, for all x, x R x. Equivalence relations, pre-orders, partial orders and total orders are all reflexive. (1999-01-28)



Reflexive may refer to:

In fiction:

  • Metafiction

In grammar:

  • Reflexive pronoun, a pronoun with a reflexive relationship with its self-identical antecedent
  • Reflexive verb, where a semantic agent and patient are the same

In mathematics and computer science:

  • Reflexive relation, a relation where elements of a set are self-related
  • Reflexive user interface, an interface that permits its own command verbs and sometimes underlying code to be edited
  • Reflexive operator algebra, an operator algebra that has enough invariant subspaces to characterize it
  • Reflexive space, a subset of Banach spaces
  • Reflexive bilinear form, a bilinear form for which the order of a pair of vectors does not affect whether it evaluates to zero.

In biology

  • Reflexive antagonism, the phenomenon by which muscles with opposing functions tend to antagonistically inhibit each other.

Other uses:

  • Reflexive Entertainment, a video game developer
  • Reflexivity (social theory), a concept in social theory relating to the capacity of an individual agent to act against influences of socialization and social structure
أمثلة النطق لـ٪ 1
1. it's reflexive.
Welcome to Night Vale _ Cecil Baldwin _ Talks at Google
2. reflexive dance capability,
3. from your reflexive sense.
The Ruin of Angels - A Novel of the Craft Sequence _ Max Gladstone _ Talks at Google
4. In fact, entirely reflexive.
5. So it was pretty reflexive.
Beat the Reaper _ Josh Bazell _ Talks at Google
أمثلة من مجموعة نصية لـ٪ 1
1. Such concerns do not reflect the Republican indictment of her as a reflexive San Francisco liberal.
2. President, if we could return to the reflexive vein we were in a little while ago.
3. This question should not be posed only to Palestinians, but should also be reflexive.
4. Alongside these two concepts can be added another: a repeated reflexive, instinctive response by a supplanting immigrant society.
5. It is merely to argue that legislation on new security measures should be reasoned, rather than reflexive.